To realise the Victor Hugo Centre will require the support of individuals, charitable organisations and the corporate sector. The States of Guernsey has very generously offered a building to house the Centre, together with some matched funding, but otherwise to realise the project will require private support.
OUR GOAL is to raise sufficient capital funds to create a first-class Centre by converting and fitting out the former States Offices building on the harbour front.
- ROOMS & LOCATIONS: A named gallery room or special place in the Centre’s building will provide a lasting legacy or a rememberance of a family member or friend.
- FOUNDATION MEMBERS: Opportunities exist to become Founders of the Centre with a contribution of £50,000.
- BENEFACTORS: Donations of £10,000 or more will be acknowledged with an inscription on the wall as visitors enter the Centre.
Guernsey has, for centuries, proven itself to be resourceful and resilient. In these challenging times, we islanders must make the most of our resources, and Victor Hugo is one of Guernsey’s greatest assets. In helping to create the Victor Hugo Centre you will be investing in Guernsey’s future cultural, social and economic wellbeing and associating Guernsey with a globally recognised and admired figure, known not only for his literary and artistic legacy, but also for his visionary support of liberty, peace, human rights, social justice and freedom.
Our goal is £7,500,000. We have already secured £2,000,000. And, for every pound you donate the States will contribute 50p. Large amounts can be donated over a number of years. Also, in the unlikely event that the Centre does not proceed, all monies willbe returned, being secured in a dedicated Rothschild & Co account.
If you would like further information, please get in touch at contact us or contact our chairman Larry Malcic directly at or on 07884 310 758.
We thank you for helping us to realise our vision.
By Bank Transfer:
Account name: Victor Hugo Centre Guernsey LBG
Sort Code: 60-09-20
Account No: 74819941
Please add your name as a reference, and email contact us if you would like an acknowledgement.
By Post:
To make a one-off or initial donation by post please make your cheque payable to
‘Victor Hugo Centre Guernsey LBG’ and send, with your contact details, to:
PO Box
187 Rawlinson & Hunter,
Trafalgar Court,
Les Banques,
St Peter Port,
GY1 4HR.